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Learn more about high-frequency impact treatment technology and the unique features of our tools


We Change the World of Welded Steel Structures: HiFIT Excellence 

High Frequency Impact Treatment (HiFIT) is a reliable, effective and user-friendly method for improving the fatigue strength of welded structures. The method belongs to a category of post-weld treatment methods aka high-frequency mechanical impact (HFMI), that involves localized modification of critical regions in welded joints. Beyond modifying weld toe geometry, HiFIT induces high local compressive stresses at critical crack initiation sites, substantially enhancing fatigue strength.

Material hardening process, resulting from the cold-working of steel during HiFIT treatment, further increases the material's resistance to crack initiation. This in turn prolongs the service life of the treated structures.

HiFIT has evolved into a well-established technique and is now widely utilized across various industries. Design regulations, workmanship standards, and quality assurance protocols are detailed in recognized standards and guidelines, such as IIW-recommendations and AASHTO standard.



A Technology Suited for Manual and Automated Application

HiFIT treatment offers the flexibility of manual or automatic application. For instances where serial production is prevalent, we have developed an advanced robotic solution, representing a state-of-the-art automated application. This robotic approach proves to be an ideal choice, ensuring precision and efficiency in line with the demands of high-volume manufacturing processes.


  • How much increase in service life is expected by using HiFIT?
    The service life of welds treated with the HiFIT technique can be extended by 5 to 15 times. Numerous scientific tests conducted in various countries have consistently demonstrated a significant and manifold increase in service life.
  • What is Post-Weld Treatment (PWT)?
    The weld toe improvement methods have undergone extensive investigation and, in most cases, have been proven to significantly enhance the fatigue strength of welded details. The effectiveness of these treatments heavily relies on the operator's skills. High-Frequency Mechanical Impact (HFMI) has emerged as a reliable, effective, and user-friendly method for post-weld fatigue strength improvement in welded structures. An essential step in increasing the fatigue life of welded components is to apply good design practices, which can be achieved in various ways, such as using joints with a low-stress concentration factor (e.g. opting for butt welds instead of fillet welds) and placing welds in low-stress areas. Increased fatigue life is also attained through high-quality fabrication, involving proper selection of materials, welding processes, weld preparation, and geometry. If none fulfills the fatigue life target, weld improvement techniques can be implemented during or after production. Post-weld improvement techniques can generally be categorized into two main groups based on how the improvement is achieved: local weld geometry modification (e.g., reducing local stress peaks and improving surface quality) and residual stress techniques (where the improvement is achieved by reducing tensile residual stress in the welds and, in some cases, introducing compressive residual stresses). The following figure provides an overview of different improvement techniques available on the market today. Burr-grinding and TIG re-melting are typically classified as geometry improvement techniques, aiming to eliminate weld toe flaws and reduce local stress concentration by achieving a smooth transition between the base material and the weld. Hammer peening and needle peening fall under residual stress modification techniques, eliminating high tensile residual stress in the weld toe region and inducing compressive residual stresses at the weld toe. Residual stress modification methods also result in a reduced stress concentration at the weld toe.
  • What is HiFIT?
    The High-Frequency Impact Treatment (HiFIT) falls within the category of high-frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) treatment techniques. HiFIT treatment enhances the fatigue life and strength of welded details through three key mechanisms: first, it eliminates stress concentration at the weld toe by locally modifying the weld toe's geometry; second, it induces compressive residual stresses, replacing the tensile stresses typically present in the 'as welded' condition. Third, it results in surface hardening of the material through cold work. Thanks to targeted HiFIT post-weld treatment, significant improvements in operational stability and the service life of dynamically loaded welded steel constructions can be obtained. The HiFIT treatment is user-friendly and cost-effective, providing highly reproducible results and ensuring precise quality assurance. The HiFIT treatment tools are the culmination of over two decades of research and development. Our products have been developed in collaboration with DYNATEC Gesellschaft für CAE and Dynamik mbH in Germany.
  • Is HiFIT treatment effective in existing steel structures?
    HiFIT is equally effective on existing steel structures. In the case of timely restoration of existing constructions, there is almost no distinction from newly treated welds. Hence the service life of existing construction is considerably increased. HiFIT is an ideal restoration tool as far as no macroscopically discernable cracks are evident.
  • How much increase in fatigue strength is expected by using HiFIT?
    An 80-100 percent increase in weld fatigue strength can be obtained through the following: 1. Local reshaping of the weld toe and reducing stress concentration. 2. Local hardening of the steel in the treated surface. 3. Inducing residual compressive stresses in the weld toe to prevent the formation and progression of cracks on the surface.
  • Is HiFIT treatment applicable on high-strength steels?
    The utilization of high-strength steel is gaining increasing relevance. Comprehensive theoretical and experimental analyses on Notch Details and FEM ­supported design processes indicate that the HFMI treatment is increasingly more efficient with the tensile strength of fine-grained steels, such as S460N and S690QL, and those with even higher tensile strengths. As a result, the use of steels with higher strength becomes intriguing for lighter construction types. The effectiveness of the HiFIT treatment is enhanced in higher steel grades.
  • Who we are
    HiFIT is a specialized company that offers comprehensive services and expertise to the steel industry, with a specific focus on fatigue-loaded steel structures. Boasting a strong global presence, HiFIT brings extensive experience to the field, particularly in the post-weld treatment and enhancement of welded steel structures through the application of HFMI technology. HiFIT USA provides a full spectrum of services, ranging from structural analysis to the implementation of post-weld treatment and quality assurance. This holistic approach enables us to achieve optimal, sustainable, and cost-effective steel structures, underscoring our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions in the industry.
  • HiFIT methodology

Frequently Asked Questions

High Frequency Mechanical Impact, HFMI, Ultrasonic Impact Treatment, UIT, Weld Impact treatment, Fatigue Strength Improvement, Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance, HiFIT Technology, Portable HFMI Equipment, HiFIT Device, On-site HFMI Treatment Services, Weld Toe Treatment, Residual Compressive Stress Induction, Cold Mechanical Treatment, Weld, Steel, Assembly, Structure, Weldment, Fatigue Life Enhancement, Hammer Peening, Ultrasonic Peening, Peening, Burr grinding, Post-weld treatment, High frequency mechanical impact treatment, fatigue life extension, Strength, Improvement, TIG, HiFIT, Ultrasonic impact treatment, Plastic Deformation, USA

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